Who Gives Wedding Speeches?
The time for giving wedding speeches is an intimate moment shared by the bride, groom, families, friends, and guests. The bride and groom specifically choose who will be giving the wedding speeches. The honor of giving the wedding speeches is usually given only to those really close to the couple. These usually include the parents, maid of honor and best man. There really is no standard to be followed as to how the speeches will be given. But as a general unwritten rule, the father of the bride goes first. After her father, her mother may follow then the parents of the groom. Subsequently, the best man would deliver his speech and toast followed by the maid of honor. Special friends not notified to make a speech are most likely welcome to give one if they wanted to.
Preparing Your Wedding Speech
Wedding speeches should not be a challenge for anyone assigned to deliver one. It can even take less than a minute. Avoid making wedding speeches that are more than three to five minutes in length. You would not want to bore the newlyweds and the guests with all your incessant talking. It should be short but simple and remarkable.
Wedding speeches should be heartfelt messages or advices. You can insert a few jokes or unforgettable experiences with the bride or groom, but wedding speeches should never make the couple or the guests present uncomfortable. Of course, it should be respectful and in honor of the bride and groom.
Practice makes perfect as well. If you should ever be faced with the task of delivering a wedding speech, it will not hurt you to prepare as much as you can. You could list a number of all the things you want to say in the delivery of the wedding speech. Later on, you can narrow it down to the most essential and interesting things only. Making an outline and drafting it first before making the final wedding speech is very helpful.
If you are shy in making speeches in front of people, it will help if you practice in front of a mirror as frequently as you can. It would also help if you ask someone to help you out by pretending to be an audience at the wedding reception.
But the most important thing in making wedding speeches is that it should be sincere and interesting. It should show how much you care for the couple. The bride and groom will definitely appreciate genuine wedding speeches than speeches taken from books, magazines and the Internet.
By Eric Hartwell
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